+ Biofeedback & Oxygen

Have you heard of PEMF therapy? It’s a remarkable non-invasive treatment that utilizes gentle electromagnetic waves to enhance healing, decrease pain, and reduce inflammation in your body. Our revolutionary therapy system brings together the power of PEMF therapy and the rejuvenating effects of Oxygen Therapy, working harmoniously to improve your overall well-being.

30 min: $99 Member, $129 Non-Member

Discovering PEMF Therapy

The best Bay Area PEMF Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy Oxygen near Alamo, Blackhawk, Danville, Diablo, Lafayette, Orinda, Moraga, San Ramon, Walnut Creek

Magnetic Waves of Wellness

PEMF, Biofeedback and Oxygen

Energizing Wellness Through PEMF

Harness the remarkable potential of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy, this non-invasive treatment is designed to stimulate healing and restore balance within the body. By utilizing low-frequency electromagnetic waves, PEMF therapy promotes cellular repair, reduces pain and inflammation, and enhances overall well-being. The unique combination of electromagnetic currents and gentle pulsations penetrates deep into tissues, activating cellular energy and facilitating natural healing processes. With its wide-ranging benefits, PEMF therapy has gained recognition as a transformative approach to wellness.

  • Decreases Pain
  • Accelerates Healing
  • Improves Circulation
  • Increases Energy
  • Reduces Stress and Depression
  • Supports Bone Health

30 min: $99 Member, $129 Non-Member

How PEMF works

Restore Balance, Promote Healing

The Electromagnetic Force is a crucial source of energy for our planet, and it plays a vital role in our overall health. Our bodies naturally possess a magnetic frequency that is important for our well-being. Unfortunately, the constant exposure to EMF waves emitted by electronic devices like cell phones, WIFI routers, and Bluetooth disrupts our natural magnetic frequency.

These EMFs have the potential to affect our DNA, causing gene rearrangements and confusion within our cells. The consequences can range from fatigue to damage to the cells’ DNA, which may lead to the development of cancer. Hence, it is important to address these disruptive EMF waves. This is where PEMF therapy comes in, working to reverse the damage and restore the body’s electromagnetic energy balance.

PEMF therapy functions by delivering electromagnetic currents generated by a set of coils throughout the body. Each coil carries an electrical charge, and when activated, it releases PEMF waves. These waves penetrate deep into the bones, muscles, tendons, and organs, stimulating energy within the cells and activating the body’s natural repair mechanisms. This process promotes healing in damaged bones and tissues, alleviates pain from injuries, and supports organ function.

The benefits of PEMF therapy extend to numerous aspects of our well-being. It has shown potential in improving depression, enhancing immune function, promoting better sleep, increasing physical energy, boosting circulation, accelerating injury healing, and supporting bone density and healing.

Experience the Benefits:

  1. Enhanced Pain Relief: PEMF therapy has been shown to effectively alleviate pain, whether it’s chronic or acute. By stimulating cellular repair and promoting blood flow, it helps reduce inflammation and discomfort, providing much-needed relief.
  2. Accelerated Healing: PEMF therapy supports the body’s natural healing processes by improving cellular metabolism and increasing energy production. This results in faster recovery from injuries, wounds, and surgeries, as well as enhanced tissue regeneration.
  3. Improved Sleep and Relaxation: Many individuals experience improved sleep quality and relaxation after PEMF therapy sessions. The therapy helps balance the body’s energy, promoting a sense of calmness and aiding in achieving restful sleep.
  4. Enhanced Physical Performance: Athletes and fitness enthusiasts can benefit from PEMF therapy as it aids in improving circulation, enhancing cellular energy production, and reducing inflammation. These factors contribute to increased physical energy, stamina, and overall performance.
  5. Boosted Overall Well-being: PEMF therapy has a positive impact on various aspects of well-being, including mood, immune function, and general vitality. By restoring the body’s electromagnetic balance, it promotes overall health and helps individuals feel revitalized and more in tune with their bodies.


Do not use PEMF if you have any of the following conditions:

  • Pregnancy
  • Electrical Implants, Pacemakers
  • Light Sensitivity (for brain sense)
  • Epilepsy (for brain sense)
  • Tuberculosis
  • Mycosis
  • Juvenile diabetes
  • Acute viral diseases
  • Cardiopathy
  • Tumors

PEMF is not a medical procedure. We recommend that clients consult with a medical professional prior to using our services to confirm whether it is appropriate for their health.